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Sunday, 28 February 2010

Cutting chicken

An average price for a whole chicken in England is approximately 4 quid .. rather inexpensive for a meal that could possibly serve 4 . What I have grasped from the people around me is the fact that the English prefer to buy chicken breasts instead of an entire chicken simply because they feel that cutting up a chicken equals to rocket science . You buy 5 pieces of chicken breasts in England for about 5 pounds !! That is fuckin' takin' the mick really if you think about it ..

Back at home , chicken breasts are the least desired part of the chicken but over here it's totally sought for .. Different cultures , different taste buds I guess . I still think chicken breasts are tasteless and would be the last piece I'd choose even on a camping trip , haha ..I have now come up with a step to step guide for my friends who wanna try and chop up a chicken like a real man !

First off - Make sure you sharpen your knife . There's no better feeling then to have a super sharp knife wounding through the mother fucker ..

Now place the chicken in this position so you could see the wings .. in past tense of course :) Place your knife in this arrangement and slice through slow ..

Tadaa .. you got 2 wings !

For the thighs , what you wanna be doing is cutting through a straight line from this posiion ..

Run it through effortlessly as it is rather simple 

Now that is how you cut up the fucker and get the thighs out looking nice and healthy

Right now , you are left with a piece looking like this ..

This is done to separate the carcass and the chicken breasts ..

I know this may look slightly ghastly but what the fuck right ?
It will taste nice on the plate anyway

Take the half with the chicken breasts and cut right in the middle to detach and cut off the unwanted bits in which would be excess skin and fats hanging from the sides .. Some people like to leave them on but I am not really a big fan of these slimy bits ..

Breasts nicely cleaned and on the top you could see the glut I took off

Do exactly the same with the carcass part and remove any unwanted skin or fats .. I leave this to your own discretion and chop it into small pieces

A photo of all the things I discharged from the chicken .. This now goes in the fuckin' bin

10 minutes later .. I now present to you ..
A chicken nicely cut up :)

There you go .. it weren't a mission in anyway !
For those of you have not tried this CCT
( Chicken Cutting Therapy )
Get your ass down to the poultry section and join in the fun ..

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