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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Shark Finning

I know it is despicable , but I have an confession to make ..

Chinese Cuisine - Shark Fin Soup
 Just like millions of other Malaysians and Earth Siblings around the world , I was ignorant enough to make the Shark Fin Soup part of our lifestyle when I was younger . Being abroad and having being exposed to some wonderful information and people - my awareness soon took over my emotions and I have been clean and have reviled this dish for the last 6-7 years .

It still bothers me to the fact that Shark Fin Soup is still widely being served in renowned restaurants and hotels , why must we act ? If that is the question that’s running through ya’ head , that’s the reason why I am writing this post .

What it MEANS !

Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins and the discarding of the rest of the fish . Shark finning takes place at sea so the fishermen only have to transport the fins 

Please click on the link below ( Graphic Content )

Here are some vital information you need to know about sharks
These are nothing but FACTS !

Fins on display
  •  Sharks kill fewer than 5 humans a year while humans kill 73 million sharks annually ( That's 11,400 sharks per hour )
  • You are more likely to be killed by a bee sting , lightning strike or a falling coconut compared to being attacked by a shark
  • Shark finning means catching the shark , slicing off it's fins and dumping the live shark back into the ocean . Fuckin' inhumane !
  • Shark fins are actually tasteless and contains high levels of toxic methyl-mercury 
The bloodshed
 What we all fail to realise is the fact that the ocean plays THE biggest contribution towards our ecosystem whereby the containing life that absorbs most of the carbon dioxide and converting them into the 70% oxygen that we breathe 

Like an angel without wings
 Destroying the shark population will only contribute to a further devastation of our ( already in the proccess of getting fucked mother nature )  

Sometimes it is rather disgraceful how selfish we get in order to get pleasures in our lifes . The important thing about it all for me simply gets laid down to what you are gonna do rather than what the fuck you have done in the past ! If you wanna make a difference , the time is now and the word has to be spread !

A total shameful act
I am proud to announce that I came across a wonderful group in Malaysia that has started their campaign against these mass killings of sharks . Let our voice be heard in a very forceful way , may there be awareness in this 21st century .

An event - Save our Sharks from a Bowl of Soup campaign is being held at the Malaysia International Dive Expo at PWTC early July 2011 !

The information
You can click the link below to check out their youtube promotional video !

This post was dedicated to two of my wonderful friends who make such an awesome effort with conservation and awareness in Malaysia - Paul Henry and Azimi Azmin

So guys , to end the note - the next time you are served this devilish dish

Thanks for your time !

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