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Friday, 3 June 2011


Ever had too much to drink the night before and then waking up the next day with a million thoughts rumbling through ya' head ? Yeah , fuckin' happens to me all the time . I often wake up to a little bit of guilt of having smoked too much or having sent an SMS to someone I didn't really wanna be in touch with . But the greatness of it all is I found a way to make myself feel better ..
I go to the beach ! It even feels like I am washed off all my sins everytime I sink myself in there ! So words of wisdom .. drink hard and party hard , the beach will cleanse and bless ya' :)

We biked around 40 km to reach this tranquil spot
 Please don't even start to ask about me wanting to lose weight .. I have a good excuse , my brother is getting married next week so we had to test the liquor at another brother's place . Well , yeah .. it didn't have to be the entire bottle nor did it have to end up in a pub somewhere but hey , the man is getting married :) That's my stand . A dear friend of mine just came up with a brilliant idea .. Make a list of the things I consume for 3 days consecutively and I will get a general idea on what I am really made of .. Fuckin' scary dude . I fear I will start hating myself !

It's only quarter to 2 and I have started to dream about an excellent steak , medium rare accompanied by a kick ass Long Island Tea for freshers . I know how the day is gonna end up but I don't have much time left on the mainland . I need to make the best of it while it lasts .. My day has been excuses today , I also acknowledge the fact that this post is rather confusing . Well fuck that - Have a nice day !
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