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Friday 29 January 2010

Tiger facts - If you give a fuck

Astonishing animals of jaw dropping beauty ..
Words will mean nothing so let the actions do the talking ..
Who would have predicted what we humans would have caused them ..

There is 7 simple facts that I'd like to get through to you :

  •  According to the WWF , there are only 3200 tigers living in the wild across 13 countries worldwide shrinking 50 % in the last decade
  •  The declining tiger population is direct consequence of illegal poaching , severe habitat loss and declining prey base
  •  Basically , tigers need a large area to live in , they aren't fuckin' domesticated cats
  • Agriculture / Logging / Urbanisation of rural areas and the growing human population - facts that are forcing the tigers into small , isolated pockets
  • Smaller clusters of habitat are also more accessible to poachers than large tracts of natural forest just like how it's always easier to net fishes outta the aquarium rather than a lake 
  •  Reduced habitats and increased threats to the tigers simply mean that fewer tigers can survive in the wild 
  • Worldwide trading and illegal trafficking of tigers parts are the major threats driving tigers to extinction     
Alright .. now that you know somethings about tigers if you don't already know , I would like to share somethings about these wonderful animals . 

I am writing to express complete dissatisfaction towards the current Wild Life Act 1972 (Act 76) imposed by the Malaysian government in which I think is utterly fuckin' useless and has been only great in helping to grow the number of poachers and illegal traders

In 2005 , 23-year old Ang Chun Tan was fined a mere RM7,000 after he was found guilty with a carcass of a tiger cut in four in his fridge but Malaysia’s Protection of Wild Life Act 1972 listed the punishment for the crime of possessing a tiger with a maximum penalty of RM15,000 fine or a jail term not exceeding five years

Therefore , amending the Protection of Wild Life Act 1972 (Act 76) must be made a priority if our wildlife is to stand a chance . We need everyones help to make a difference if we'd like our future family and kids to be lucky enough to see a tiger

A campaign , which was carried out over one and a half years , calling for a stronger and more comprehensive wildlife law , has ONLY received the support of 56,062 people from 161 countries !!

A tiger can be cut up and sold by body parts to amounts up to RM 150,000 . The poachers under the current law are fined RM 7,000 - 15,000 . How can we justify this Wildlife law in Malaysia ?!

The poachers are not put off by the fuckin' law and resort to trying again and again because the fines are a mere dog shite compared the lucrative income they get from snaring tigers ..

Take a close look at the pictures , like with all the other pictures in the blog .. you can click them for a larger resolution . Please pass the word around .. A new group will be linked on to Trippy and Twisted on facebook so we can try and petition the NGO's to fight our case in the parliament this upcoming general meeting . No matter how hard they try , they can't stop us now ..

I am also uploading two videos of a 5 year old tiger that was trapped in the Royal Belum Forest Reserve , about an hour from my home in Malaysia . This tiger has since died from severe injuries caused by illegal poachers who has obviously not been caught yet .. Take this moment to ponder please ..

    3 weathers a day in Enfield

    I am really proud of the place I have called home for the last 7 years ...
    Enfield is the name of the place :) 

    The world's first ATM machine was installed right here in the heart of town .. so don't fuck about will ya' ?
    Spelling's pretty similar to the same town where the best football team comes from ! 
    You know what time it is ..

     Yeah , I just heard some of you cringe - going , yeah rite .. well , yeah fuckin' right back at ya' mate ! Haha .
    Anyways , unlike countries with 4 seasons annually .. today I was put up with 3 different seasons on the same day . Well , this morning I woke up .. it almost felt like one of them days in a beachside country . Beachside country ? Well , I dunno what I really meant by that but everytime I go on holiday and accomodate myself next to a beach house somewhere , I feel like a fuckin' hero . The hangovers and body ache's usually don't suceed in prolonging my sleep or rest in anyway ..

    One of the best views I got with my travels is this one , I love .. this one to start off with 

    Picture yourself waking up to this . It was a normal shot taken from my room using a 100 quid camera mate , nothing special but the picture made it priceless

    The next day , I got a bit more creative and captured this one ..

    As the high tides set the shores , you see double shades .. A morning dip ?!

    A view from my room during sunset ..

    When life makes you think that you're a bore .. meaningless living , beer drinking , sex thinking , fat carrying , mind fuckin' person . I think the best medicine for your cures - TRAVEL . No I am not speaking through experience :) Assholes ..

    Anyways , I am not gonna share the location of the places above in case you white tourists decide to make it just another fuckin' Phuket or Majorca . If you really wanna go there , speak to me mate , I'll draw you the fuckin' map :) Anyways , peculiar that I started off speaking about my wonderful town Enfield and ended up sharing sunsets and views from miles apart .

    Anyways , just as I was speaking to you guys , while the sun was shining and the weather was sweet - it suddenly started snowing hard for like 10 minutes . I ain't joking .. 

    This is the view I now get from my place in Enfield .. 
    On a clear day , I could see all the way down to Epping Forest - That's what the estate agent said anyway :P

    This entire post got me really confused now .. I wanted to write about something , I ended up writing about something like chalk and cheese . So I will try and end this post trying my best to quote something rather intellectual .. Ermm , the next time you wake up and feel shitty , despite trying your best to convince yourself that you are fine and if you still feel like shite - Just continue sleeping !?!!?!

    I took this photo 6 years ago in a friends house in Puchong but I think it kinda generated the message . 
    Hope you guys are as confused as I am at the moment .. Nice weekend geezers :)

    Basically , due to the medication I have been prescribed these last few days .. I realise I had woken up 4 times today . Most of my dreams were spawned alongside these picturesque views

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